Knights of The Round Table

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    New Crafter Dungeon


    New Crafter Dungeon Empty New Crafter Dungeon

    Post  Guest Wed May 02, 2012 8:30 pm

    Okay Ladies and Gentlemen there is now a crafter dungeon. You will find runic tools and LOTS of crafting resources in this dungeon. This dungeon gets harder as you go further and further into it. It is a single level dungeon, the entrance and exit are one way only but it is in Trammel so you can use your runebook, [myhouses command, or your travel book to get out if it gets to hairy for you.

    A word of warning, you will need to hand loot these mobs because the take bag will not grab these runic tools. Also it is a good idea to either turn off resource collection (uncheck hides, logs, ores etc) on your [takeoptions or have the different storage keys and/or a bank bell when you go into this dungeon, otherwise you are going to get overloaded really fast in here if you dont. Make sure you bring an axe or hatchet to chop logs into boards for the wood storage key, and either a gold beetle, or portable forge to smelt the ores into ingots for the ingot storage key. Hides do not need to be cut before being placed on the tailor key so that is a plus.

    I hope everyone finds it and enjoys, go to Trammel Wrong and start checking caves, you will know the entrance when you find it. If anyone finds any issues with the dungeon please let me know and I will try to get them all addressed as quickly as possible.

    Love ya,

      Current date/time is Fri Nov 08, 2024 8:31 am