Knights of The Round Table

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2 posters

    ring and dungeon


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2010-12-10

    ring and dungeon Empty ring and dungeon

    Post  dawghunter99 Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:04 am

    well it is scooter. so u prolly wont read. well idk how hard it would be to do but i think you should add another ring slot just like the old uo had if u remember it had a ring on each hand then i think you should creat a dungeon in the top of despise were you split each room off say there 15 rooms make it so that in order to go throught the next tele u MUST kill the monster in that room make each one drop a key to next room and then put a big boss like zule in the end that drops a really good ring to go on your second hand and that would make alot of sense in my mind because u got the ring of camelot but idk how many people use it because the newbie ring everyone sues i think for the lrc idk what you can do with this or look at it lol but i do beleve it would be a great idea. and i think your doing marvalus on the shard i love it

    Posts : 25
    Join date : 2010-10-19

    ring and dungeon Empty Re: ring and dungeon

    Post  Admin Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:37 am

    Thank you Scooter. I have never thought of a ring on both hands or ever seen one. Is something to look into.

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