Knights of The Round Table

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An ultima online shard.

    Deco malls


    Deco malls Empty Deco malls

    Post  Guest Wed Oct 31, 2012 1:01 am

    I am in the process of rebuilding the deco mall(s). I have been working on this for about two months and will probably be at least another one to two weeks before it is ready to go public. Everything will now be in one large area seperated/grouped by type and there will be plenty of room for expansion as new things are added. When the mall opens there will be a few items that will no longer be available for purchase, and there will be many new items that are being added in to the new mall. I am not going to list the new items those will be for you to find in the mall but below is a list of the items that will no longer be available for purchase. If you currently own these items that is fine we will not be removing or deleting them they will just no longer be available for purchase because they can be aquired in the game in some way (either through some form of crafting, quests, drops, daily rares or stealables).

    Items that will no longer be available:
    Dragon Braziers (these are craftable with fire rock crafting)
    Lamp Posts (these are craftable with fire rock crafting and the fancy ones are daily rares)
    Tall candlabras (these are a doom stealable)
    Blood Pentagrams (these are vet rewards)
    Pentagrams (these are craftable with carpentry)
    Orc, Gorilla, Troll, Brown Bear, Polar Bear, Dear Head, and Fish Trophies (these can all be made with a taxidermy kit) (you will still be able to buy Dragon Trophies though as these are not craftable)
    BBQ (these are craftable with fire rock crafting)
    Torn Painting (doom gauntlet stealable)
    Bowl of Bloody Water (doom gauntlet stealable)
    Tarot cards (doom gauntlet stealable)

    This list may increase as I come across additional items that are available in the game in some fashion but for now this is the current list.

    Love Ya,

      Current date/time is Fri Nov 08, 2024 8:03 am