Knights of The Round Table

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    VEGETABLE BOX and Sconces!


    Posts : 31
    Join date : 2012-02-15
    Age : 55

    VEGETABLE BOX and Sconces! Empty VEGETABLE BOX and Sconces!

    Post  Ysane/Luna Sun Aug 12, 2012 6:29 pm

    There may be something like this already But I think it would be FANTASTIC lol to have a box that holds Veggies. i Have Chef key , it doesnt.

    Also, Another Item I would like to see is the Light Sconces to be put outside our doors to light our ways home. Smile

    Thank you for a Wonderful Place to call Home!!!

    VEGETABLE BOX and Sconces! Empty Re: VEGETABLE BOX and Sconces!

    Post  Guest Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:00 pm

    Okies i have made 4 different kinds of hanging light sources and each one is available to hang on a south facing or east facing wall. They will be in after tomorrow mornings restart.

    I am working on a vegetable/fruit key for you as I type so hopefully it will be in no later than Friday morning.

    Love Ya,

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