Knights of The Round Table

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An ultima online shard.

2 posters

    fighting mirror images


    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2011-04-16

    fighting mirror images Empty fighting mirror images

    Post  hattred Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:17 am

    I would like to what what people think of the idea if mirror images that will be able to fight with you. This shard is very heavily geared towards fighting with pets which means keeping them healed and spending more time healing than actually fighting. I suggest we find a way to allow mirror images to attack along side you. This way you can keep casting them and enjoying a fighting environment while not having to worry about healing. This allows them to die and no one to worry because within a few seconds you will have another one out to take its place.

    Just a thought let me know what you guys think!!!

    Posts : 131
    Join date : 2010-10-22
    Age : 73
    Location : Georiga

    fighting mirror images Empty Re: fighting mirror images

    Post  Gwenavier Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:58 pm

    If you are healing a pet more then you are fighting then you are not running a maco and doing it right. I go around and watch players. I see some helping pets and some just let the pet do all the work. A pet is like having another player with you it is called team work. You should not let the pet do all the work you should be helping it fight as well as healing it. You just use a macro to heal.

    fighting mirror images Empty Re: fighting mirror images

    Post  Guest Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:11 am

    This is one of those areas where the pet breeding comes in handy. As you breed higher generations of pets they will have highers stats therefore they will be stronger than the previous generation (once they are fully trained) so they will not take as much damage/will do more damage etc.

    Also dont foget that we have the paragon pet deed as a donation reward/purchasable item, this makes your pets super strong therefore you will not need to heal them nearly as much during combat.

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