Knights of The Round Table

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An ultima online shard.

    Story time


    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2011-04-26

    Story time Empty Story time

    Post  Firedance Wed Nov 16, 2011 4:34 pm

    I would love to see a Story Time where we all can sit and make up shard stories. Maybe vote on the best and have them put in books in Luna for others to read. Ty :-)

    Story time Empty Re: Story time

    Post  Guest Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:24 pm

    Fire do you mean like a section on the forums where people write stories and we have each story in like a poll so people can vote on them?


    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2011-04-26

    Story time Empty Re: Story time

    Post  Firedance Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:36 am

    I was thinking of writing them in a book and then placing them on a shelf for everyone to read. I love writing short stories and I bet we have lots of talent here, but putting them forum would be cool to.
    Love Firedance


    Story time Empty Re: Story time

    Post  Guest Fri May 11, 2012 6:52 am

    So I do like this idea, just havent had a chance to really consider how to go about doing this but now I think I have it figured out. So lets do this.

    We will have a Story Writing Contest.

    Here are the guidelines:

    1. Write your story in a book in the game. All work must be original, do not copy a book or movie. Make sure you give your book a title and put your name as the author so everyone knows who wrote it.
    2. All stories need to be based in the time period of the game. You can base your book on KoTRT if you wish. It can even be based on a hunt that you and a friend did in the game (how you went about killing Zar, the pains of taking out Robin Hood, the trials and tribulations of completing the Ancient Spellbook Quest etc) or it can be completely imaginary as long as it is in the right time frame.
    3. Please do not use other players names without getting their permission first.
    4. Staff members are not allowed to be a main character in the story. You can make reference to staff members (such as hunting for The Chest of Gwenavier, the pains of Morggys Whackem Stick etc).

    There is a dark brown plaster house east of Luna bank, this is the same house we used for the backpack decorating contest and for pictures with Santa. I will place a special gold colored small chest in this house.
    1. When you are finished with your book please place it in a bag and place that bag into the chest.
    2. Once an entry has been turned in it cannot be returned to the player.
    3. All books must have a title and an authors name (which must match one of your characters but it doesn't have to be your main character). Any entries without a title or author will be disposed of and will not be considered for the contest.
    4. You will have 15 days from the day contest starts to turn in your story.
    5. The day the contest ends staff will review all stories. They will then be placed on display and everyone will have 7 days to vote on them.
    6. There will be a golden chest with book and bag spawners for players to cast their votes with, votes should include the VOTERS name and the book title. Please do not critique the books or add additional comments to the vote books. Votes are limited to one (1) vote per account.
    7. All entrants will recieve a reward. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will recieve special rewards as well.
    8. Once the voting is done and winners have been announced and rewarded I will create a special library where all of the stories will be left on display for everyone to enjoy.

    Love Ya,

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