Knights of The Round Table

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    spellcasting with power words


    spellcasting with power words Empty spellcasting with power words

    Post  Guest Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:22 pm

    okay we now have new spellbooks that you can cast spells from with power words or key words.  Several players have asked how to do this so I will try to explain.

    1.  Open the spellbook with the spell you are wanting to cast.
    2.  Click the scroll on the right side of the spell.
    3.  When the gump opens at the bottom you will see a line that says Key or possible Keyword and a blue button.
    4.  Select a key word to cast this spell with (for best results use one of the words in the name of the spell)
    5.  Once you have selected and entered a Keyword hit the blue button on the right side.

    so we are going to say that we used the Cleric spell book and created a key for Angelic Faith.  The key is Angel.

    Now you need to create a hotkey for the spell.  You will either use Razor or the options button on your paper doll.  

    To set this up through the options button on your paper doll you will need to do the following:

    1. click options on your paper doll, this will open the options gump which allows you to do all kinds of things.
    2. click the curved arrow on the bottom left side of the window/gump, this opens the macro/hotkey assignment gump
    3. pick what you want your hotkey or key combo to be (for this example we are going to use CTRL and the F1 key)
    4. in the same window/gump we want to go to the first empty space on the left side below the area you put in your hotkey and we are going to click, hold and scroll down until "Say" is highlighted
    5. you should now have a window on the right hand side right beside the one that now says Say, you want to click in this box and type in "[csscast angel" (but don't use the quotation marks) and hit the enter button
    6. now click apply a few times
    7. now click okay and the options gump should close

    now hit both the CTRL key and the F1 at the same time and you should see the words Angelus Terum appear over your head and you will look like an avenger.  this specific spell has a timer so you will have to wait for this timer to expire before you look like yourself again.

    I do not know how to set it up a hotkey in razor so hopefully someone can explain how to do that one.

    Love Ya,

    *this post was edited by Morganna on 12-28-2013 because someone made changes to it that had nothing to do with setting up a hotkey or using the [csscast system*

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