Knights of The Round Table

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    KOTRT Main website


    KOTRT Main website  Empty KOTRT Main website

    Post  Guest Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:41 am

    I find a .tk site would be easier to access, and could give more options in modifying the site to give it a more "UO" look.

    In my opinion, our site is kind of dead-looking and lacking info, and you know what they say, you got to give a good first impression Cool
    Dot TK - Renaming The Internet


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    Join date : 2010-10-22
    Age : 73
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    KOTRT Main website  Empty Re: KOTRT Main website

    Post  Gwenavier Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:08 pm

    You dont like our web site? I worked hard on that I will have you know. It is not one of my best but I think it is nice. More info yes maybe but when do I have time to add more? LoL you keep asking me to add things get things there is just one of me. Merlin does not do web pages nor does he do the scripts. Well he does a few but not many lol.

    KOTRT Main website  Empty Re: KOTRT Main website

    Post  Guest Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:32 pm

    never said it wasn't pretty No just said it was dead looking because of the info I love you don't get mad D: hahaha some players might have knowledge of html and website, even I can help you with that Wink

    Posts : 131
    Join date : 2010-10-22
    Age : 73
    Location : Georiga

    KOTRT Main website  Empty Re: KOTRT Main website

    Post  Gwenavier Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:59 pm

    Not sure what web page you were referring to. The one that someone else did was more for games then uo. As for html I do know how to make a web page from top to bottom but have no time to do so as I seem to stay busy trying to figure out c# that I have no knowledge in but am giving it my best. If you would like to make a web page for us and let me see it that would be fine.

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