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    using razor for macros


    using razor for macros Empty using razor for macros

    Post  Guest Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:29 am

    Okay it seems like each time razor updates or patches those of us that use Vista and Win7 have problems getting our macros to work and it has gotten to the point that we can no longer create new macros. I have found that if you right click the razor icon and click on the option Run as Administrator. This will allow you to be able to use your macros as well as make new ones. Until I can figure out how to correct this you will have to do this each time you use razor to log into the shard.

    I hope this helps some of you.

    Love Ya,


    Posts : 131
    Join date : 2010-10-22
    Age : 73
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    using razor for macros Empty Re: using razor for macros

    Post  Gwenavier Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:39 am

    Ewwwwww I dont want no vista or windows 7 lol

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