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    How to take a screenshot


    How to take a screenshot Empty How to take a screenshot

    Post  Guest Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:02 am

    This is a step-by-step tutorial on using razor to take a screenshot of your game window.

    If you are just wanting to take a screenshot of what you see on your screen for later reference, so you can duplicate that awesome water affect you saw in someones yard, or a floor tile pattern in a house, or for whatever reason do the following.

    1. Kind of obvious but make sure you are logged into the game.
    2. Bring up razor (i keep mine minimized to the taskbar when I'm not actually doing something with it)
    3. Along the top of your razor window you see several tabs one of them says "Screen Shots". Click this tab so that it is on the top level of your razor window.
    4. There are several options in there, upper left side shows where your screenshot will be saved, default is the screenshots folder in your razor folder in your program files folder on your hard drive. Center left side you will see a list of all the screenshots you have taken with razor, these can be hightlighted and looked at in razor or enlarged and looked at in a jpeg viewing program. Lower left side you see UO Only and Full Screen. For your purposes you just need to select UO Only. On the right side you see a large white square, this is where your screen shot will appear. Upper right side is a large button that says "Take Screen Shot Now".
    5. Push the button that says take screen shot now.

    You have now taken a screenshot of your game window as simple as that.

    Now if you are wanting to show the specifics of an item (say the attributes of a weapon or piece of armor, or the specific name of an item that you like) you will first need to turn on your Item Properties Display. To turn this on do the following:

    1. Click options on your paperdoll, then click on the Mouse tab on top right side.

    2. Scroll down to around the middle of the page and click where you see "Always up"

    3. Below that you will see two options, one says Display Item Properties Icon the other says Object Handles. You want to check the one that says Display Item Properties Icon. (Object handles allows you to see the name of all mobiles or placed items on the screen when you press crtl/shift at same time, this is really handy when your looking for something on a cluttered screen)

    4. This is going to put a movable window on your game screen. Move the window to a location that you can see it clearly.

    5. Single click an item and that items name and properties will appear in the window.

    You can now open your razor window and move it so that it is not blocking your Item Properties window and take a screenshot. This is handy for sending to staff in the event of an item loss, to show questionable activity of other players, show staff an issue in the game such as a possible exploit or bug.

    If you want to turn off the Item Properties Display simply

    1. go back into your options on your paperdoll.
    2. go to the mouse tab
    3. scroll to the center of the page.
    4. click where it says follow mouse then at the bottom you need to uncheck Display Item Properties Icon.

    I hope this helps everyone.

    Love Ya,

      Current date/time is Mon Nov 04, 2024 11:00 am