Knights of The Round Table

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An ultima online shard.

    Master Key Storage


    Master Key Storage Empty Master Key Storage

    Post  Guest Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:29 pm

    Okay folks here is a list of items that should NOT be placed on the Master Storage Keys:

    Armory (armor statue)- If you place this on the Master Storage Keys items placed on the armory key will poof when you take them off the Armory or when you take the armory off the master key. These can be carried in your backpack or your pack of weight reduction and used in the traditional way or it can be locked down in your house and it will still fill items from your backpack for you.

    Specialty Scroll Key (cream colored elven book podium) - If you place this on the Master Storage Keys power scrolls and scrolls of trancendance will poof when you take them off the key or take the key off the master key. These can be carried in your backpack or your pack of weight reduction and used in the traditional way or it can be locked down in your house and it will still fill items from your backpack for you.

    Bard key (ice blue music stand) - 1K + use player crafted exceptional music items will no longer be exceptional when they are removed from the key (they say they are but they do not work as well as they should) if it has fewer than 1K uses then it works fine. Since this seems to be a usage quantity issue just keep an eye on the number of uses that your exceptionally crafted instruments have and do not let them exceed 999 uses and there should not be any issues with storing them on the bard key.

    Here is a list of items that the Mastery Storage Key will not accept :
    Wood box
    Resouce Key
    Resource 2 Key
    Firerock Crafting Key
    Power Scroll Storage Book (this is the one that you can purchase on the vendor stone at luna bank)((It will store the one that you get as a reward for the storage item quests))

    If anyone knows of any other issues with the master keys please page staff and let us know as soon as possible so that we can try to address the issue.

    Love Ya

      Current date/time is Mon Nov 04, 2024 11:05 am